Monday, December 6, 2010

Stake Conference

As some of you are aware this weekend was Stake Conference. All the talks were good, the Temple President and his wife as well as the Mission President and his wife were all there and spoke as did the Stake Presidency and others. But of all the talks and training over the weekend by far the one that impacted me the most was the training that the Mission President gave during the leadership training session.

His training focused on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He taught us that Christ referred to himself as I Am. This I already knew, but he went on to remind us of many of the ways He used these words. I Am that I Am, I Am the way the true and the light, I Am the living water, I Am the bread of life, I Am the Son of God, I Am He who was sent, and many more.

Then came the teaching moment.

He asked us how do we describe ourselves, He even had several of us stand and say I am _______, (you fill in the blank). Some examples were, I am a child of God, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, I am a son of God, I am a father, I am a husband, I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This was a very moving experience, I would suggest that each of you take a few minutes during this Christmas Season and run through this exercise, not just in your mind, but say it out loud, even if you are by yourself. If you really give it some thought and approach it in the right spirit it will change how you think of your relationship with the Savior.

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad you added this to your blog. this was a cool email to get dad.
